This Dibblee Memory Brought to You by:
Merced High School, Grad.1993
Merced College
Jon Dibblee was Courtney’s Coach

One time in a game I was getting pissed because I thought I was doing well and I kept hearing him yelling at me, “Courtney! NO!” What I heard was “God Damn it! Courtney!” Afterward, he could sense that I was upset and asked me what the deal was and I told him…turns out he was yelling at another Courtney 😉  A couple of years ago I was tired with my three kids and life in general and I didn’t want to clean the house. I told someone I wanted Jon to come over and yell at me in the way that only Jon can yell (anyone else I’d get mad, but I knew he loved us and wanted the best for us.. and he was always right) to get me to clean the house, because he always got me to do things I didn’t want to. And not only did I do them, I was successful. He was motivating and inspiring and created an environment where we were a family away from home and we frankly were bad ass. It is amazing to see how many people the Dibs has touched over the years…here I am 25+ years later with a smile on face thinking of the memories. I pray my children have the same experiences, and the same type of mentor that Jon provided to me growing up.

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